Gill's Historical Index To Gems And Jewelry Online,
Including Journals, Articles and Books From 1652 through today
The Library sorted Chronologically by century
- 16th century |
The Book of Virtues of Stones by Albertus Magnus |
17th century |
Gemmarum et Lapidum Historia, Anselmus Boetius de Boodt 1609 |
Manuscript, Original Appraisal of Crown Jewels of Charles I (taken_10_Jun_1629) |
Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours, Robert Boyle 1664.pdf |
The History of Jewels, Samuel Chapuzeau 1665 |
An Essay About Gems, Robert Boyle 1672 |
The Sceptical Chymist, Robert Boyle 1680 |
The Sceptical Chymist, Robert Boyle 1680 (1911 edition) |
Les Six Voyages de Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, Ecuyer Baron d'Aubonne vol1 (1712 edition) |
Les Six Voyages en Turquie, en Perse et aux Indes, Volume 1, Jean-Baptiste Tavernier (1724 ed.) |
Voyages and Travels in All Parts of the World vol 8 Extract From Tavernier's Voyages, english translation John Pinkerton 1808 |
Travels in India by Jean-Baptiste Tavernier Baron d'Aubonne vol 1-2, english translation Valentine Ball 1889 |
18th century |
Veteris gemmae ad Christianum vol 1-2, Francesco Vettori 1732 |
Antiquities Explained Being a Collection of Figured Gems, Illustrated from the Classics, George Ogle 1737 |
A Treatise on Diamonds and Pearls, David Jeffries 1751 |
A Treatise on the Ancient Method of Engraving on Precious Stones, Lorenz Natter 1754 |
Traite des Pierres Traduit du Grec Avec des notes Physiques et Critiques, Theophrastus 1754 |
Argonautica Hymni Libellus de lapidibus, H. Stephani et A.C. Eschenbachii 1764 |
A Select Collection of Drawings From Curious Antique Gems after Rembrandt, Thomas Worlidge 1768 |
Catalogue of a General Collection of Ancient and Modern Engraved Gems vol 1-2, James Tassie 1791 |
Jane de St. Remy de Valois, Countess de La Motte & the Diamond Necklace vol 1-2 Autobiography 1791 |
A Catalogue of one Hundred Impressions from Gems, Nathaniel Marchant 1792 |
Ueber die Gemmenkunde, Johann Gurlitt 1798 |
19th century |
Mediaeval Gem Engraving, Charles William King 18xx |
The Mineralogy of Derbyshire, John Mawe 1802 |
Traite Des Pierres Precieuses Part 1 et 2 Cyprien, Prosper Brard 1808 |
Travels in the Interior of Brazil Particulary in the Gold and Diamond Districts, John Mawe 1812 |
A Treatise on Diamonds and Precious Stones, John Mawe 1813 |
A Treatise on Diamonds and Precious Stones, John Mawe 1815 |
Gems Principally from the Antique, Richard Dagley 1822 |
The Linnaean System of Conchology, John Mawe 1823 |
The Natural History of the Bible trees plants flowers gems etc, Thaddeus M Harris 1824 |
Introduction To The Study Of Conchology, John Mawe 1825 |
The Voyagers Companion or Shell Collectors Pilot, John Mawe 1825 |
Familiar Lessons on Mineralogy and Geology, John Mawe 1826 |
An Essay on Ancient Coins, Medals, and Gems, Robert Walsh 1828 |
Manuel Complet du Verrier et du Fabricant de Glaces Pierres Precieuses etc, M Julia de Fontenelle 1829 |
La Science des Pierres Precieuses, A Caire-Morant, Leroux-Dufie 1833 |
Scripture Natural History Serpents Minerals Gems in the Bible, W Carpenter 1833 |
Short Description of the Mines of Precious Stones in the Burma Ruby Mines, Pere Giuseppe d Amato 1833 |
Taschenbuch der Edelsteinkunde fur Mineralogen etc, Johann Reinhard Blum 1834 |
Erklarendes Verzeichniss, Koniglich Preussischen Gemmensammlung, Ernst Heinrich Toelken 1835 |
A Catalogue of the Collection of Pearls and Precious Stones of Henry P Hope, Bram Hertz 1839 |
The Cairn a Gathering of Precious Stones from Many Hands, Sarah Davison Nicolas 1846 |
Travels in the Interior of Brazil into the Gold and Diamond Districts 1836-1841, George Gardner 1846 |
Der Diamant Eine Komödie in fünf Acten, Friedrich Hebbel 1847 |
Jewelry and the Precious Stones, Hipponax Roset 1856 |
Jewelry and the Precious Stones, Joseph Rupert Paxton 1856 |
The History of Samuel Titmarsh and The Great Hoggarty Diamond, William M Thackeray 1857 |
Traite Complet des Pierres Precieuses Contenant Leur Etude Chimique etc, Charles Barbot 1858 |
Antique Gems, Charles William King 1860 |
Diamonds, William Pole 1861 |
Histoire d un diamant, Leon Gozlan 1862 |
Antique Gems, Charles William King 1866 |
A Popular Treatise on Gems, Lewis Feuchtwanger 1867 |
Self-instructor in the Art of Hair Work Hair Jewelry of Every Description, Mark Campbell 1867 |
The Natural History of Gems or Decorative Stones, Charles William King 1867 |
The Natural History of Precious Stones Gems and of the Precious Metals, C W King 1867 |
The Science of Gems Jewels Coins and Medals Ancient and Modern, Archibald Billing 1867 |
Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil the Gold and Diamond Mines Vol 1-2, Richard F Burton 1869 |
An Elementary Treatise on Quartz and Opal, George William Traill 1870 |
Delle Gemme Notizie Raccolte, Augusto Castellani 1870 |
Les Pierres Precieuses et les Principaux Ornements, Jean Pierre Rambosson 1870 |
A Treatise on Diamonds and Pearls, David Jeffries 1871 |
Gems Notes and Extracts Augusto Castellani, Mrs. John Brogden 1871 |
Rambles of An Archaeologist Among Old Books and in Old Places, Frederick William Fairholt 1871 |
Antique Gems and Rings vol 1-2, Charles William King 1872 |
The Diamond Fields of South Africa, Anon 1872 |
The Diamond Fields of South Africa, K 1872 |
Adamantia, The Truth About the South African Diamond Fields, Augustus F Lindley 1873 |
Diamonds and Precious Stones, Their History Value Harry Emanuel 1873 |
Early Christian Numismatics and Other Antiquarian Tracts, Charles W King 1873 |
Stories in Precious Stones, Helen Zimmern 1873 |
The Tourmaline, Augustus Choate Hamlin 1873 |
The Tourmaline 2nd ed, Augustus Choate Hamlin 1873 |
To the Cape for Diamonds, Frederick Boyle 1873 |
A Manual of Precious Stones and Antique Gems, Hodder Michael Westropp 1874 |
Diamonds and Precious Stones, Louis Dieulafait 1874 |
Magnificent Diamond and Valuable Sapphires, James Tennant 1874 |
The Science of Gems Jewels Coins and Medals Ancient and Modern, Archibald Billing 1875 |
Antique and Renaissance Gems and Jewels in Her Majesty's Collection at Windsor Castle, CDE Fortnum 1876 |
Catalogue of the Mediaeval Ivories Enamels Jewellery Gems etc, Ormonde M Dalton 1876 |
Etude sur les Pierres Precieuses Suivie de L eruption du Vesuve en 1872, Sautelet de Lagraviere 1876 |
Le livre de bijouterie de Rene Boyvin, d Angers, Rene Boyvin 1876 |
Des Pierres Gravees Employees dans les Sceaux du Moyen age, Germain Demay 1877 |
Finger-ring Lore Historical Legendary Anecdotal, William Jones 1877 |
Finger-ring Lore Historical Legendary Anecdotal 2nd edition, William Jones 1877 |
Epigrammata graeca ex lapidibus conlecta, Georg Kaibel 1878 |
History and Mystery of Precious Stones, William Jones 1880 |
Monographie du Diamant, Henri Jacobs Nicolas Chatrian 1880 |
A Memoir on the Diamond, John Murray 1881 |
Diamant et Pierres Precieuses, Edouard Jannettaz Eugene Fontenay Etc 1881 |
The Diamonds Coal and Gold of India, Valentine Ball 1881 |
The Goldsmiths Handbook, George Edward Gee 1881 |
The Story of the Diamond Necklace, Henry Vizetelly 1881 |
Art Work in Gold and Silver Modern, Henry Benjamin Wheatley 1882 |
Les lapidaires Francais, Leopold Charles Augustin Pannier 1882 |
Something about Neglected Gems Jaques & Marcus, New York 1882 |
The Diamond Signet of Queen Henrietta Maria, Charles Drury Edward Fortnum 1882 |
Leisure Hours Among the Gems, Augustus Choate Hamlin 1884 |
A Complete Guide to the Small Bronzes and Gems in the Naples Museum, Domenico Monaco 1883 |
Handbook of Engraved Gems, Charles William King 1885 |
Handbook of Engraved Gems 2nd ed, Charles William King 1885 |
The Art of Cutting and Polishing Diamonds, Isaac Hermann 1885 |
Precious Stones in Nature Art and Literature, Sarah Maria Burnham 1886 |
Voyages and Travels of Sir John Maundeville, Kt 1886 |
Whittiers Description of Precious Stones from old catalog, Henry C Whittier 1886 |
Correspondence Respecting the Ruby Mines of Upper Burmah Great Britain, Colonial Office 1887 |
Jade in British Columbia & Nephrite from Alaska, George M Dawson & A B Meyer 1887 |
Les Bijoux Anciens et Modernes, Eugene Fontenay 1887 |
The Gnostics and Their Remains Ancient and Mediaeval, Charles William King 1887 |
A Catalogue of Engraved Gems in the British Museum, A H Smith & A S Murray 1888 |
Diamonds and Gold of South Africa, Henry Mitchell 1888 |
Gold Gems and Pearls of Ceylon & India, A M Ferguson & John Ferguson 1888 |
A Short Account of an Expedition to The Jade Mine in Upper Burma, C H E Adamson 1889 |
Engraved Gems Their History and Place in Art, Maxwell Sommerville 1889 |
Histoire des Joyaux de la Couronne de France French Crown Jewels Vol 1-2, Germain Bapst 1889 |
Tier- und Pflanzenbilder auf Münzen und Gemmen des klassischen Alterums, Friedrich Imhoof-Blumer 1889 |
Catalogue of Mineralogical Gems, Mineralogical etc, C P Willimott & Co 1890 |
Gems and Precious Stones of North America, George F Kunz 1890 |
Pearl and Chank Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar Ceylon, Edgar Thurston 1890 |
Stories About Famous Precious Stones, Adela Elizabeth Richards Orpen 1890 |
The Mystery of a Diamond, Frank H Converse 1890 |
The Engraved Gems of Classical Times, John Henry Middleton 1891 |
The Engraved Gems of Classical Times 2nd, John Henry Middleton 1891 |
Handbook of Greek Archaeology Vases Bronzes Gems Sculpture etc, Alexander Stuart Murray 1892 |
Natal Stones Sentiments and Superstitions Connected with Precious Stones, George F Kunz 1892 |
Palms and Pearls Or Scenes in Ceylon, Alan Arthur Walters 1892 |
Schedule of Gem-Stones, George F Glaser 1892 |
The Lewis Collection of Gems and Rings in Corpus Christi College, John Henry Middleton 1892 |
Watchmakers and Jewelers Practical Receipt Book A Workshop Companion, C E Walker 1892 |
Charles L Tiffany and the House of Tiffany & Co, 1893 |
Facts About Precious Stones from old catalog, Theodore A Kohn 1893 |
Illustrated Hand Book on Money Currency and Precious Metals 1509 to 1820, William Redman 1893 |
Canadian Gems, Precious Stones and Collections of Minerals, 1894 |
Folk-lore of Precious Stones, George F Kunz 1894 |
Old English Plate Wilfred Joseph Cripps, 1894 |
Diamond Dyke, George Manville Fenn 1895 |
Notes of a Journey on the Upper Mekong Siam, Herbert Warington Smyth 1895 |
Pierres gravees des collections Marlborough et d Orleans, Reinach Salomon 1895 |
Quartz and its Varieties, Albert C Bates 1895 |
Suggestions for Presents, Ambrose Kent & Sons 1895 |
The History of Mount Mica of Maine USA, Augustus Choate Hamlin 1895 |
The History of Mount Mica of Maine USA 2nd ed, Augustus Choate Hamlin 1895 |
Gems and Precious Stones, Henry G Smith 1896 |
Intaglio Engraving Past and Present, Edward Renton 1896 |
Opals from a Mexican Mine, George De Valliere, Pseud George F. Duysters 1896 |
The Koh-i-noor of the British Diadem Verse, Edward Gibbon Swann 1896 |
Genesis and Matrix of The Diamond, Henry Carvill Lewis 1897 |
The English Regalia, Cyril Davenport 1897 |
Abbotts American Watchmaker and Jeweler Encyclopedia, Henry G Abbott 1898 |
Barnato Barney ie Barnett Isaacs 1852-1897 a Memoir, Harry Raymond 1898 |
Hand Book to Foreign Hall Marks on Gold and Silver Plate, Christopher A Markham 1898 |
Le Diamant Nature Origine Histoire Commerce, Albert Janesich 1898 |
The Pearl Divers and Crusoes of the Sargasso Sea, Gordon Stables 1898 |
The Tears of the Heliades, W Arnold Buffum 1898 |
Gilda Aurifabrorum a History of English Goldsmiths and Plateworkers, William Chaffers 1899 |
20th century |
Catalogue of Very Beautiful Cosway Bindings with Miniatures on Ivory, Miss Currie, 19xx |
Chats on Old Jewellery & Trinkets, MacIver Percival, 191x |
Diamond Hall Catalogue, Ryrie Bros Toronto Canada, 190x |
Henry D Morse & Charles M Field Scrapbook (including extra), 19xx |
The Diamond Necklace, Countess de La Motte, 19xx |
Antique_Chinese_porcelains, jades, ivory carvings etc, William Churchill Oastler, 1900 |
Cameos, Cyril_Davenport, 1900 |
Enamels and Enamelling, Paul Randau, 1900 |
Ivory carving in the NW Provinces and Oudh India, Lawrence Morley Stubbs, 1900 |
Marie Antoinette and the Diamond Necklace from Another Point of View, F de Albini, 1900 |
The Tears of the Heliades, W Arnold Buffum, 1900 |
Pearls, Their Occurrence in the United States, etc, George Frederick Kunz, 1900 |
A Hand-Book of Precious Stones, Meyer D Rothschild, 1901 |
Monograph on Ivory Carving in Burma, Henry Sheldon Pratt, 1901 |
The Alfred Jewel, an Historical Essay, Earle John, 1901 |
Cagliostro and Company a Sequel to the Story of the Diamond Necklace, Frantz Funck-Brentano, 1902 |
Histoire de la gravure sur gemmes en France, Ernest Babelon, 1902 |
London of Today Handbook for the Season Coronation 1902, Charles Eyre Pascoe |
Modern Design in Jewellery and Fans, Charles Holme, 1902 |
My Trip to the Diamond Fields of British Guiana, Walter Grainge White, 1902 |
The Diamond Mines of South Africa, Gardner Fred Williams, 1902 |
The Diamond Mines of South Africa, 2nd edition, Gardner Fred Williams, 1902 |
The Iroquois Silver Brooches, Freemasonic, Harriet Maxwell Converse,1902 |
The Ivory King, a Popular History of the Elephant and its Allies, Charles Frederick Holder, 1902 |
The Ivory Workers of the Middle Ages, Anna Maria Elizabeth Cust, 1902 |
The Waddesdon Bequest to the British Museum, Baron Ferdinand Rothschild, 1902 |
Catalogue de la Collection de Pierres Precieuses of James Pierpont Morgan, George F Kunz, 1903 |
News 1903, Russian $15000 Pearl Necklace |
Gems and Gem Minerals, Oliver Cummings Farrington, 1903 |
Jewellers Silversmiths and Kindred Traders, Accounts for Manufacturing Jewellers Etc, Allen Edwards, 1903 |
Les Richesses Minerales de L'Afrique, L'or, les Metaux, le Diamant etc, L de Launay, 1903 |
Precious Stones, a Book of Reference for Jewellers, Wallis Richard Cattelle, 1903 |
Silverwork and Jewelry, H Wilson edited by W R Lethaby, 1903 |
Edelsteinkunde, Precious Stones, Max Hermann Bauer, to english by L J Spencer, 1904 |
The Brooches of Many Nations, Harriet A Heaton, 1904 |
The Emerald Book, Shreve & Company San Francisco California, 1904 |
Ancient Axe-Head in the Morgan collection, American Museum of Natural History, George F Kunz, 1905 |
English Goldsmiths, Their Marks, a History of the Goldsmiths - Charles James Jackson, 1905 |
Gems, Jewelers Materials and Ornamental Stones of California, George F Kunz, 1905 |
News 1905, Chauffeur returned $18000 Necklace, Mrs Barney |
Jewellery, Cyril Davenport, 1905 |
Precious Stones, Arthur Herbert Church, 1905 |
The Diamond Mines of South Africa, Vol 1 of 2, Gardner Fred Williams, 1905 |
The Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar Ceylon, Parts 1-5, W A Herdman, 1903-1905 |
European Enamels, Henry Hardinge Samuel Cunynghame, 1906 |
The Art of Enamelling Upon Metal, Alexander Fisher, 1906 |
The Gem-Cutters Craft, Leopold Claremont, 1906 |
The life of Benvenuto Cellini vol 1-2, Benvenuto Cellini, 1906 |
Catalogue of the Finger Rings, Greek, Etruscan and Roman, F H Marshall, 1907 |
Collection of Watches, Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, George A. Hearn, 1907 |
History of the Gems Found in North Carolina, George F Kunz, 1907 |
History of the Gems Found in North Carolina, 2nd edition, George F Kunz, 1907 |
In the Land of Pearl and Gold, Australia & New Guinea, Alexander MacDonald, 1907 |
Japanese Cultured Pearls, K Mikimoto, 1907 |
News 1908, City Examiner Arrested Necklace |
Precious Stones for Curative Wear & The Nobler Metals, William Thomas Fernie, 1907 |
The Pearl its Story its Charm and its Value, Wallis Richard Cattelle, 1907 |
Catalogue of the Famous Blackborne Museum, Arthur Blackborne, 1908 |
Diamonds in Arkansas, The Discovery and Investigation, Arkansas Diamond Company, 1908 |
Industrial Art How it is Advanced by Art Education, George F Kunz, 1908 |
Jewellery, Harold Clifford Smith, 1908 |
Miniatures, Ancient and Modern, Cyril Davenport, 1908 |
Pearls & Parasites, Arthur Everett Shipley, 1908 |
Precious Stones, Wilbert Goodchild & Robert Dykes, 1908 |
The Book Of The Pearl, NYC Edition - George F. Kunz & Charles H. Stevenson, 1908 |
The Diamond, John Kay, 1908 |
The Hall of Fame, Proceedings of the Second Unveiling of Memorial Tablets, George F. Kunz, 1908 |
The Pearl Divers of Roncador Reef and Other Stories, Becke Louis, 1908 |
The Ruby of Kishmoor, Howard Pyle, 1908 |
A Book of Precious Stones, Julius Wodiska, 1909 |
Catalogue of the Ivory Carvings of The Christian Era, Ormonde M Dalton, 1909 |
Diamonds, Sir William Crookes, 1909 |
Diamonds, 2nd edition, Sir William Crookes, 1909 |
Precious Stones in Old English Literature, Robert Max Garrett, 1909 |
The Pearl, 14th Century Poem Symbolism Allegory and Autobiography, William H Schofield, 1909 |
Aspects of Death, Illustrated by Medals, Engraved Gems and Jewels, Frederick Parkes Weber, 1910 |
Catalogue of a Collection of Merovingian Antiquities, Belonging to J Pierpont Morgan, 1910 |
Preserving the Pearl-oyster Fisheries and Increasing Value of the Yield of Pearls, John I Solomon, 1910 |
The Arts and Crafts of Our Teutonic Forefathers, Gerard Baldwin Brown, 1910 |
Through One Hundred Years 1810-1910, Black Starr and Frost, NYC, 1910 |
Birks Year Book, Henry Birks and Sons, 1911 |
Catalogue of the Jewellery, Greek, Etruscan and Roman in the British Museum, F H Marshall, 1911 |
Der Diamant Eine Studie, Aleksandr E Fersman & V Goldschmidt, 1911 |
Geology of the Pegmatites of Maine, Edson Sunderland Bastin, 1911 |
Gold and Silversmiths Catalogue 1911, United Watch and Jewelry Company, 1911 |
The Chemistry Properties and Tests of Precious Stones, John Mastin, 1911 |
The Diamond, Wallis Richard Cattelle, 1911 |
The Diamond Necklace, Frantz Funck-Brentano, 1911 |
Catalogue of the Finger Rings, Early Christian, Byzantine, Teutonic & Mediaeval, Ormonde M Dalton, 1912 |
Catalogue of the Mediaeval Ivories, Enamels, Jewellery, Gems etc, 2nd edition, Ormonde M Dalton, 1912 |
Engraved Gems, Signets, Talismans and Ornamental Intaglios - Ancient and Modern, Duffield Osborne, 1912 |
Guide to the Collection of Gemstones in the Museum of Practical Geology, W F P McLintock, 1912 |
Guide to the Collection of Gemstones in the Museum of Practical Geology, 2nd edition, W F P McLintock, 1912 |
Jade, a Study in Chinese Archaeology and Religion, Berthold Laufer, 1912 |
Silverwork and Jewelry, H Wilson, edited by W R Lethaby, 1912 |
Studies on Ceylon Pearl-oysters, Pearls and The Cestode Theory of Pearl Production, Henry L Jameson, 1912 |
News 1913, Stolen Necklace |
Diamonds Pearls & Precious Stones, Marcell N Smith, 1913 |
Pearls and Pearling, Herbert Harvey Vertrees, 1913 |
Pearls, William John Dakin, 1913 |
The Diamond Necklace, Thomas Carlyle, 1913 |
The Geology of the Hudson River and its Relation to Bridges and Tunnels, George F. Kunz 1913 |
How to Make Jewelry, George Stephen Overton, 1914 |
The Ants of the Baltic Amber, William Morton Wheeler, 1914 |
The Handy Book, Containing Tables Rules and the Working of the Precious Metals, Handy and Harman, 1914 |
The Mussel Resources of the Illinois River and Pearl Fisheries, Ernest Danglade, 1914 |
Peeps Into the Psychic World-the Occult Influence of Jewels, Mary M Crawford, 1915 |
Pounamu Notes on New Zealand Greenstone, Horatio Gordon Robley, 1915 |
The Diamond, A Study in Chinese and Hellenistic Folk-Lore - by Berthold Laufer, 1915 |
The Great Diamond Hoax and the Life of Asbury Harpending, J H Wilkins, 1915 |
The Magic of Jewels & Charms, George F. Kunz, 1915 |
The Pearl Fishers, Henry De Vere Stacpoole, 1915 |
The Turquoise - History, Mineralogy, Geology, Ethnology etc, Joseph E Pogue, 1915 |
Gems, Helen Barlett Bridgman, 1916 |
Ivory and The Elephant; in Art, in Archaeology, and in Science, George F. Kunz, 1916 |
PW Ellis & Co Ltd, the Jewellery of Canada, 1915-1916 |
Shakespeare and Precious Stones, George F. Kunz, 1916 |
The Story of the Pearl, Sherman Foote Denton, 1916 |
Chats on Old Silver, Arthur Hayden, 1917 |
Gems and Precious Stones of Arizona, Frank L Culin Jr, 1916-17 |
Rings for the Finger, George F. Kunz, 1917 |
Rings for the Finger, 2nd edition, George F. Kunz, 1917 |
The Jewelry Department Beulah, Elfreth Kennard, 1917 |
A Text-book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-loving Public, Frank Bertram Wade, 1918 |
Enamels, Robert Dallas Landrum, 1918 |
Antique Jewellery and Trinkets, Frederick William Burgess, 1919 |
Diamond Design, Marcel Tolkowsky, 1919 |
Fresh-water Mussels and Mussel Industries & Button Pearls of the USA, Robert Ervin Coker, 1919 |
Gem-Stones and Their Distinctive Characters, George Frederick Herbert Smith, 1919 |
Gem-Stones and Their Distinctive Characters, 2nd edition, George Frederick Herbert Smith, 1919 |
Up the Mazaruni for Diamonds, British Guiana, William La Varre, 1919 |
Catalogue of Engraved Gems of the Classical Style, Gisela Marie Augusta Richter, 1920 |
Operating Expenses in Retail Jewelry Stores in 1919, Harvard University, 1920 |
The Lewes House Collection of Ancient Gems, John Davidson Beazley, 1920 |
English Jewellery from the Fifth Century AD to 1800, Joan Evans, 1921 |
The Jewel House Crown Jewels of Great Britain, George John Younghusband, 1921 |
The Pearl, 14th Century English Poem, Giovanni Boccaccio 1313-1375, edited by Sir Israel Gollancz, 1921 |
News 1922, Catherine II Cartier Pearl Necklace |
Amber, Elizabeth F Parker, 1922 |
Gemmen und Kameen des Altertums und der Neuzeit 1695, Georg Lippold, 1922 |
Hall Marks on Gold & Silver Plate, William Chaffers, 1922 |
Handbook & Descriptive Catalogue of the Collections of Gems & Precious Stones, US National Museum 1922 |
The Book of Talismans Amulets and Zodiacal Gems, William Thomas Pavitt, 1922 |
The Inca Emerald, Samuel Scoville, 1922 |
Amber Its Physical Properties and Geological Occurrances, Oliver C Farrington, 1923 |
Early Chinese Jades, Una Pope-Hennessy, 1923 |
Mediaeval Craftsmanship and the Modern Amateur, Newton Wethered, 1923 |
Ivory in China, Berthold Laufer, 1925 |
Agate, Physical Properties and Origin, Archaeology and Folk-lore, Oliver C Farrington, 1927 |
Stones Metals and Gems, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P Hall, 1928 |
Famous Diamonds, Oliver Cummings Farrington, 1929 |
Gems and Gem Minerals, Part 2 Vol 3, page 169-331, William F Foshag, 1929 |
Epiphanius de gemmis Epiphanius Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus, 1934 |
Diamond Jim, Parker Morell, 1935 |
Asterism in Garnet, Spinel, Quartz and Sapphire, Albert J Walcott, 1937 |
The Curious Lore Of Precious Stones, George F. Kunz, 1938 |
Quartz Family Minerals, Henry Carl Dake, 1938 |
Italian Drawings for Jewelry 1700-1875, Cooper Union Museum, 1940 |
Jewelry, Gem Cutting and Metalcraft, William T Baxter & Henry C Dake, 1942 |
Dictionary of Gems and Gemology, GIA, Robert M Shipley, 1948 |
Gems & Gemology, GIA, complete 1934-1980 |
Origins of Gemology in Pictures, Joseph O. Gill, 1976 |
Gemological Literature in the English Language, GIA 1st International Symposium, Joseph Gill, 1982 |
An Overview of Production of Specific US Gemstones, USGS Special Publication 14, 1995 |
USGS Minerals Yearbook 1932-1999 (80 Mb) |
USGS MSC Gemstones 1996-1999 |
21th century |
USGS Minerals Yearbook 2000 |
USGS Minerals Yearbook 2001 |
USGS Minerals Yearbook 2002 |
USGS Minerals Yearbook 2003 |
USGS Minerals Yearbook 2004 |
USGS Minerals Yearbook 2005 |
USGS Minerals Yearbook 2006 |
USGS Minerals Yearbook 2007 |
USGS MSC Gemstones 2000-2011 |
To the library:
Chronologically » Here you find the directory arranged chronologically based on century and then by title. |
Swedish Gem, Conny Forsberg - FGA |
Swedish Gem proudly presents | |